Monday, June 6, 2016


Hey all! My name is Bryan Kirk, and this blog is devoted to my service in the Peace Corps starting June 22, 2016 and going for 27 months. I'll be serving in Belize, and couldn't be more excited to get started. For those of you who don't know me, or this about me, serving in the Peace Corps has been a lifelong dream of mine, and it's been item #1 on my bucket list since I made it back in sophomore year of high school. That's where the title of this blog comes from, because I really will be living out a dream of mine in serving in the Peace Corps. If you want to get in contact with me, my PC e-mail address is here: I don't know yet how often I'll be able to respond, since internet access will likely be intermittent at best, but I promise I'll response when I can!

At this point, I'm in the getting ready to leave phase. Back in the Midwest for a couple weeks before I fly to Miami on June 20 for some training, then off to Belize on the 22nd. I've been trying to see as many people as I can before I go, since I probably won't see most of anyone I know right now for 2.5 years. So it's been a lot of bouncing around and tying up loose ends before I go, and avoiding packing my life away to leave. As much as I don't want to pack though, I'm still so excited to get going. Once you've built something up in your head for over a decade and it becomes reality, there's really no trepidation left, especially when you've been accepted into the service and prepping to go for 6 months. The shock has passed at this point and I'm just ready to get going, even though it definitely sucks leaving everyone I know and love to do it. I'm already missing two weddings in the next 6 months, and that's just going to be the tip of the iceberg.

Anyway, there's where I am now. I'll update this as much as I can along the way to catalog my service in the Peace Corps, and I hope you follow along! I'd love to hear from you, so please feel free to comment and e-mail!



  1. I'm so excited for you Bryan! It'll be great, challenging and definitely bucket list worthy. Ps my favorite part so far is that you live on Iguana street :)

  2. I can not WAIT to read your blog posts!!! Good luck with EVERYTHING! You're living my dream too so don't disappoint! ;)

  3. I can not WAIT to read your blog posts!!! Good luck with EVERYTHING! You're living my dream too so don't disappoint! ;)
